HOW RED LIGHT CAN HELP YOUR EYES // Macular Degeneration, Dry Eyes, Styes, Diabetic Eye and MORE

HOW RED LIGHT CAN HELP YOUR EYES // Macular Degeneration, Dry Eyes, Styes, Diabetic Eye and MORE

EXACTLY What to AVOID in Apple Cider Vinegar // ACV Reading HOW RED LIGHT CAN HELP YOUR EYES // Macular Degeneration, Dry Eyes, Styes, Diabetic Eye and MORE 1 minute Next Nasolabial Folds DIY Hacks vs MedSpa Solutions

Can red light ameliorate your eye health? This question is frequently posed, often with the worry that red light may be damaging to the eyes. Surprisingly, there's an abundance of evidence to suggest that red light benefits ocular health, even being medically accepted in some jurisdictions to enhance vision and address ailments like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and dry eye. This blog will cover the available data and my personal use of a cosmetic LED mask. It's crucial to remember that LED beauty masks are not substitutes for medical treatments.

Products Mentioned in This Video:
LED Face Mask:


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DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further, information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.