Welcome to the stage of life where you've hit the milestone of turning 30, 40, or even 50. Yet, magically, your skin still looks as fresh and youthful as a 30-year-old. Impressive! Now, let's talk about how you can maintain this youthful appearance, prevent the signs of aging, and possibly even turn back the clock. One option that often arises is the idea of "preventive botox." Curious about whether this should be a part of your anti-aging regimen? Allow me to share with you the exact conversation I have with my patients in this situation. Get ready to unlock the secrets to eternal youth!

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These are locations of practices often within my training network and offering similar services. They carry the RajaniMD line of supplements and Skin Care. It is a great starting point for your search in finding a great aesthetic practice.

DISCLAIMER: This video does not contain any medical or health related diagnosis or treatment advice. Content provided on this YouTube Channel is for informational purposes only. For any medical or health related advice, please consult with a physician or other healthcare professionals. Further, information about specific products or treatments within this video are not to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.