Several of you swear by the use of castor oil for your skincare and eye wellbeing. There's buzz about its potential benefits on conditions like dry eye, blepharitis, floaters, cataracts and even visual clarity. In the following video, I reveal my preferred brand and how I apply it. I also delve into data to gauge whether these health claims hold water scientifically. Is it safe to place hexane-free, cold-pressed organic castor oil in your eyes? I hold the Velona brand in high esteem and have included links to the precise products featured in this video below.

Products Mentioned in This Video:
velona USDA Certified Organic Castor Oil - 2 oz
velona USDA Certified Organic Castor Oil - 16 oz in Glass Bottle


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DESCARGO DE RESPONSABILIDAD: Este video no contiene ningún diagnóstico o tratamiento médico o relacionado con la salud. El contenido proporcionado en este canal de YouTube es solo para fines informativos. Para cualquier consejo médico o relacionado con la salud, consulte con un médico u otro profesional de la salud. Además, la información sobre productos o tratamientos específicos dentro de este video no es para diagnosticar, tratar, curar o prevenir enfermedades.